Me again xD..Im grateful to read again a good post from Joel..Amen...
So,umm..I want to share something happened to me these days...Hahas..Atually it is nothing...Why do I say so? Because I have known what God is trying to plan for me in this week !! Wow...It is amazing..
I may feel scared or uncomfortable when I get into a new place...God knows my weakness well and so HE plans a good journey for me....To say the truth,Im really disappointed when I get to see something happened during me sweet sem break...It is all terrible...Im out of my mind!!Because I cant even expect something can change drastically as Im not ready for it...Wow....I lost myself and Im so freak in that time..
Finally,someone tells me to continue in putting trust in God so that I can get is jz simple...Just put the Full trust in Lord...means that
1.Believe His plan
2.Let Him Lead you
3.Be happy with this as he is be with you and never give up you although surrounding ppl and situation do so
Just now only I know HIS amazing plan...I just feel "'s like that"
Gratefully...really..He continues to teach me,guide me,console me,and definitely Love me....
Sometimes we will not know what He does something Unexpected or Terrible for us,But if we choose to believe Him in any ways,We will get it....VICTORY...
This is BCOZ He loves me,loves all of his kids...
Sharing(From Joel):
Are you looking at the whole picture today? Can you see how God is working to bring the right things together for your success? If you’re not seeing things happen for you, don’t give up on your dreams. Be confident in God’s promises; He sees things that you can’t see, and He will make sure that His plans for you are fulfilled. Hold on to your dreams today. Have faith in God — He wants to bring you the desires of your heart.
A Prayer for Today
“Heavenly Father, today I have a renewed confidence in You. Help me to see my life the way You see it — whole and complete. Thank You for not only beginning a good work in me, but also finishing it. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
And the peace of God, which is deeper than all knowledge, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.