I had experienced a blissful nite...
Have many thoughts now and so happy that always God arrange many angels and friends around me
to remind me,to help me and to guide me.
But I know that the final boss there who care me the most is u,my savior,my jesus.
Im so touching of this unconditional love...
I love you due to your love to me when Im still in sin..
Ur life change me,so my life should affect others..
Thanks God!!!These weeks are the days I have ever experience and know God better!!Halleluya!
Ah...Im so excited to be Christian and the peace im my mind I ever experience it before...
You raise me up,so I can stand on mountain....
You are everything that I have,just like sis Seow Ling says,although we poor in money,but we rich by the salvation of Jesus...
Ya,finally I know everything that happen to me since the birthday celebration..
since everything that seems messed up in the church and since my mind and thought have turned to favor of evil!
I need a family in Christ that can give comments to each other when we loss our way in the life.
I need friends that can provide new point of view in problems that we have.
I need love from others that originate from Jesus.
And now I get what I need.But I almost forget u,Im sorry,my savior,I forget that what U have given to me.
I forget the provider.How can I forget the provider of all things and people in life?
I will follow your steps my Jesus although many enticements around us by the bad bad Satan.But Im determined to win it because you make me experience it when Im really all in you in last month.
I really need you to rubuke the enticement just like you rebuke the strong wind that wanted to blow off the ships of your man,Jesus.
By reading Joel's article,God has really inspiring me much and what I get the most is the thow words"abundant life".
Yup,almost every article you have make me know about the abundant life that you say you are promised to give me.
When I knock the door you will open it for me,when I seek for anything and you can give me,especially wisdom in sloving problems!!
Argh....SO blissful!!!!
This is my sharing through these weeks....Hope the peace and happiness will last in yours too....my love
Yours sincerely,Small Wil